in Revelation
Revelation 2:1-7: Ephesus Part 1
Introduction: Your greatest strength can become your greatest weakness, this is the lesson of the letter to Ephesus. One of our great weaknesses as finite sinners is that we cannot multitask the good. We focus...
in Revelation
Revelation 1: The 7 letters
Introduction: There are many different views on the book of Revelation but one that has a lot of sway in Pentecostal churches is the seven age theory. A teacher of this view is William Marion...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:10-20: The First Vision: Part Two
Introduction: What is the church? If we ask the world, the church is an antiquated organization that has caused more harm than good, and who they want to retask as a charity arm to benefit...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:10-20: The First Vision: Part One
Introduction: The persecuted and minority church of Asia needed to be reminded of who Jesus is and who they are. John has reminded them of the normal Christian life which is a paradox of suffering...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:9: The normal Christian life
Introduction: We finally come to the first vision. The people of God are in a battle, they are about to be at the centre of the most powerful forces of the universe unleashed. They are...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:7-8: The Second Coming of Christ
Introduction: How does God comfort His people when they are innocent and being persecuted and hunted to death? He reminds them of the final judgement when all enemies will be crushed all, debts will be...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:4-6: The God of the suffering Church
Introduction: One of the most important lessons from the Psalms is that one of our biggest needs when suffering is worship. When we are down and out, when we are depressed and surrounded we need...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:1-5: An Overview
Introduction: I remember watching a documentary on condors, a species of American bird on the brink of extinction. I remember the scientists putting on a glove that had a beak to feed it, and it...
in Revelation
Revelation 1:1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Introduction: Having laid a large foundation for how we want to read Revelation we can finally tackle the text so we begin by looking at the title that comes from verse 1, ‘The revelation of...
in Revelation
Revelation: The Hermeneutics of Amillenialism: Part Five
No manuscript is available for this sermon.
in Revelation
Revelation: The Hermeneutics of Amillenialism: Part Four
Introduction: When Amillennialists point out to Premills that they base their view for a literal Millennium on a single reference from the most symbolic book in the bible, they agree that it would be foolish...
in Revelation
Revelation: The Hermeneutics of Amillenialism: Part Three
Introduction: God intended the book of Revelation to be understood and not to be a secret code that only a few could understand with the right historical event or person as the key. Listen to...
in Revelation
Revelation: The Hermeneutics of Amillenialism: Part Two
Introduction: God intended the book of Revelation to be understood and not to be a secret code that only a few could understand with the right historical event or person as the key. Listen to...
in Revelation
Revelation: The Hermeneutics of Amillenialism: Part One
Introduction: God intended the book of Revelation to be understood and not to be a secret code that only a few could understand with the right historical event or person as the key. Listen to...
in Revelation
Revelation: Introduction to Revelation: Overview of views and terms
Introduction: Last week was our official start of a new series in the book of Revelation. It is one of the most contested books in the bible but that should not stop us from studying...