Church Discipline 3: Romans 7:21-25: Our Battle Against Sin
Speaker: Nick Clevely | September 28, 2014
Introduction: If I had to ask you to name the 5 top misunderstood doctrines in Christianity what five would you choose? I can imagine you would choose teachings like election, reprobation, regeneration, the imputation of...
Church Discipline 2: Luke 15:11-32: Restoring the repentant sinner
Speaker: Nick Clevely | September 14, 2014
Introduction: Last week we looked at the issue of church discipline. In my studies in this area I have found that there is a real zeal for sermons, studies and articles on this issue. You...
Church Discipline 1: Matt. 18:15-20: When to administer
Speaker: Nick Clevely | September 07, 2014
Introduction: When is church a true church? The doctrine of the church was something that was wrestled with at the time of the Reformation when Luther broke with Rome. It emerged at the end of...