in Romans
Romans: Final Overview
Introduction: You have heard the saying, ‘I can’t see the forest for the trees.’ Some of you may feel this way as we come to the end of the book of Romans, it is the...
in Romans
Romans 16:21-27: Doxology
Introduction: What distracts you in worship? Is it the heat? Maybe it is the sounds of people cutting their grass. Maybe you are distracted by the sounds the kids make, misspelt words on the slides,...
in Romans
Romans 16:20 – Grace
Introduction: If you had to boil down God, the Bible and the gospel down into one word, what word would it be? I think Paul would say that ‘grace’ sums it all up. Grace was the...
in Romans
Romans 16:20: Victory over satan
Introduction: This is the first and only mention of satan in the book of Romans. Why talk about him now? Paul has been giving his love to the church and encouraging love between people and...
in Romans
Romans 16:17-19: Fighting for Unity
Introduction: A pastor has a certain number of things he must do. He has to teach, he has to encourage, as well as rebuke. But he also must warn the flock of God of the...
in Romans
Romans 16:5-16: Paul sends his love to the Church in Rome
Introduction: ‘I love Jesus but I don’t love the Church.’ How many times have we heard such a sentiment? It can come in many different flavours. There are those who have a high view of...
in Romans
Romans 16:3-5a: Prisca and Aquila
Introduction: If I were to ask you to think of 24 names in a church you have never visited, could you do it? Could you name 24 people in the names of one of our...
in Romans
Romans 16:1-2: Deaconesses?
Introduction: What is the role of women in the church? Can women be deacons? These are some of the matters that we will be looking into today as we deal with Romans 16:1-2, ‘I commend...
in Romans
Romans 15:30-33: How God answers prayer
Introduction: How many of you have ever kept a prayer journal? Many have testified to the encouragement of looking back on their early prayers and seeing either God answering the prayers, or changing the prayers...
in Romans
Romans 15:25-29: Paul the Church Ambassador
Introduction: What is driving you, when you feel tired in the morning and don’t feel like getting up what do you tell yourself to get yourself going? What are you living for? Are you functioning...
in Romans
Romans 15:20-24: Paul the pioneer missionary
Introduction: I would like to begin by adapting a well-known illustration relating to missions that John Piper uses in his book Let the Nations Be Glad.1 You along with ten others are on an old...
in Romans
Romans 15:9: Paul The Church Planter
Introduction: How do you see the Great Commission being fulfilled? Some think that it is not our job but it was the job of the original apostles, this cannot be the case because the command to...
in Romans
Romans 15:17-19a: The Nature of Paul’s Ministry
Introduction: What is the nature of the ministry of the church? For what purpose does the church primarily exist? Paul will help us answer these questions as he reflects on the nature of his own ministry...
in Romans
Romans 15:14-16: Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles
Introduction: You might think now that we have finished the doctrinal part of the letter to the Romans the last chapter and a half are unimportant and will be a let-down. You could not be...
in Romans
Romans 15:13: The First Benediction
Introduction: We come to the end of the teaching part of the book of Romans as Paul pronounces the first of three benedictions, Romans 15:13, ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy...
in Romans
Romans 15:9-12: God of All Nations
Introduction: Many Christians without trying have a divided God, the God of the OT, and a second and different God of the NT. This functional Bitheism is a contradiction to the unity of the Scriptures...