1 Kings 4: Solomon’s Infinite Wisdom
Thanks to Guy McKenzie for preaching this week. Please accept our apologies for the missing audio. Introduction: The book of kings is often an action packed and thrilling piece of redemptive history, but not so much in chapter 4. In chapter 4 we have the story of how Solomon administered his kingdom. But once again before we look at Solomon’s administration, lets remind ourselves just where in redemptive history this chapter fits. The redemptive story so far tells us that Adam and Eve have been deceived by the serpent, they have sinned and been banished from the Garden. God...
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1 Kings 3: Solomon the Righteous Judge
Thanks to Guy McKenzie for preaching this week. Please accept our apologies for the missing audio. Introduction: As you may remember, I am preaching through the book of kings, as it is written, as a thrilling piece of redemptive history. So lets remind ourselves just where in redemptive history this book and this chapter fits. The redemptive story so far tells us that Adam and Eve have been deceived by the serpent, sinned and been cast out of the Garden of Eden. God has promised the first humans that one day a saviour will rescue them and their descendant’s...
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1 Kings 2: Solomon the Lion of Judah
Thanks to Guy McKenzie for preaching this week. Please accept our apologies for the missing audio. Introduction: As we discovered in 1 Kings Chapter 1, the book of Kings is theology cleverly disguised as exciting history. And as we read on in chapter 2 we will find that it does not disappoint, the thrilling tale of intrigue, mystery, and murder, only gets more absorbing. I am preaching through this book, as it is written, as a thrilling piece of redemptive history. So before we begin we need to remind ourselves just where in redemptive history this chapter fits. The...
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1 Kings 1: Solomon the Merciful
Thanks to Guy McKenzie for preaching this week. Please accept our apologies for the missing audio. Introduction: The book of kings is categorized as a history book, but this does not mean that it is not full of theology. So while this book is a thrilling tale of intrigue, mystery, and murder, it is so much more than this. The golden chain of salvation runs through this exciting story and while we would rightly shy away from too much allegory, that is searching for the hidden meanings in the text, we can easily discern that many of the of...
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1 Kings 11:1-8: The Fall of Solomon
Introduction: Solomon was a wiser man than you or I and he fell into sin. A terrifying thought when we all know our weakness so well. It is very important for us to study men like Solomon, men and women who are better than us, but also sinners like us to see how it is that sin takes them. We have been observing some of the warning signs that have been setting Solomon up for his fall. We have seen his small compromises in the area of riches and political alliances. But here in 1 Kings 11:1-8 we are...
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1 Kings 10:14-29: Solomon’s wealth
Introduction: The best of man is man at best is a very helpful saying when thinking about the peak of Solomon reign. We are in the chapter that is marking the high point of Solomon’s wealth and influence. The text details for us the staggering wealth of Solomon’s kingdom and his effect on the surrounding nations. There is much here that is good and gives glory to God. However, chapter 11 is just around the corner, the chapter that describes Solomon’s turning from the Lord. A man does not suddenly become a backslider, it is a gradual thing and...
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1 Kings 10:1-13: The Queen of Sheba
Introduction: How do we understand the visit of the queen of Sheba to King Solomon? Jesus Christ gives us the lens to see the relevance of this OT character, Luke 11:29-32, ‘When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, “This generation is an evil generation. It seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.30 For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation.31 The queen of the South will rise up at the judgement with the men...
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1 Kings 8:54-66: Solomon’s Benediction
Introduction: Most good Christian events happen around food. And the dedication of the temple is another example of this. We are approaching the end of Solomon’s prayer where he gives a final benediction of praise, some final requests and an exhortation to Israel. And then there is a huge nationwide feast. Solomon’s prayer has been very rich theologically as it has spoken to us about the God we are approaching and how to pray about our sins. The last part of this prayer is no less rich. Three things dominate this closing prayer. Firstly, in v56 Solomon blesses God...
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1 Kings 8:31-53: Praying about sin
Introduction: Ps. 103:8-14, ‘The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to...
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1 Kings 8:10-21: The Blessing of Solomon
Introduction: The temple has taught us so much about God already. God is a God of grace who dwells with a sinful people, this is illustrated in the existence of a temple at all. He is a holy God, this is demonstrated through the cherubim, and the layers of separation. He is a just God, this is seen in the demand of propitiation for broken laws. Solomon has just brought all the items of the furniture into the new temple, and God appears in the form of a cloud. This is followed by Solomon blessing God. As we move...
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1 Kings 8:1-11: The Ark of the Covenant
Introduction: The Temple of Solomon as we have been seeing was an amazing architectural accomplishment. However, the One who was to dwell in the temple is more important still. 1 Kings 8:1-11 is all about God manifesting His residence in the temple. I say manifesting His residence not taking up His residence because God is omnipresent and no temple can be a house for Him. So He manifests His presence in the location of the temple to indicate that He is pleased and He will abide among His people, and the temple will be the central place of worship...
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1 Kings 7:1-12: The House of Solomon
Introduction: The good gifts of God given to bad hearts like ours can become snares to us. The Giver is good and gives from good motives. He seeks to display His generosity and kindness to us through the gifts of creation. The gifts are also good, life, marriage, health, wealth, position, work, they are not evil in and of themselves, but good. But we are bad. You can give us a good gift like marriage and we turn it into an attempt to enslave another person to our wills. God can give us a skill for work and we...
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1 Kings 6:1-13: ‘Unless the Lord builds the house…’
Introduction: As we look at the start of the building process, in among all the building details the text points us to the most important part of this building venture, the blessing of God. The portion we are looking at begins with the details of the exterior of the temple, but God interrupts the building process with a very important message in v11-13, ‘Now the word of the LORD came to Solomon,12 “Concerning this house that you are building, if you will walk in my statutes and obey my rules and keep all my commandments and walk in them,...
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1 Kings 5 – Preparation for the Temple
Introduction: Do you know the seven wonders of the ancient world? The Great Pyraminds of Giza, the hanging gardens of Babylon; the statue of Zeus at Olympia; the temple of Artmeis at Ephesus; the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; the Colossus of Rhodes and the lighthouse of Alexandria. Only the pyramids are still standing. What are the new seven wonders of the world? The Great Wall of China; Christ the Redeemer statue; Machu Picchu; Chichen Itza; the Roman Colosseum; the Taj Mahal. Now what is the most important building that has or ever will been built? Solomon’s Temple. 1 Kings 5 gave a...
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1 Kings 4: Solomon’s Government
Introduction: Wisdom is the theme of most of Solomon’s life. He has prayed for wisdom and demonstrated it in the law courts in the last chapter. Many of the chapters ahead can be thought of in light of wisdom. Solomon’s wisdom in construction, worship, and commerce. This chapter shows two more aspects of Solomon’s wisdom, his wisdom for administration, as well as His prolific writings.
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1 Kings 3:16-28: Wise Justice
Introduction: We all love a good riddle, for example the famous one about a choice between two doors. There are two door guardians by the two doors, one always lies and one always tells the truth: what single question could you ask to find out which is the right door? The answer is, ask any one of them what the other door guardian will tell you is the right one, and then choose the opposite. The one telling the truth will know that the one who lies will point to the wrong one; and the one who lies will...
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