

Luke 2:10-12: Joy to the World

Speaker: | December 19, 2021

INTRODUCTION Christmas time is supposed to be a time of great joy. But many people are sad. You have heard of S.A.D., seasonally affected disorder. This usually describes people who react badly to winter weather...


John 1:14: Jesus tabernacled among us

Speaker: | December 22, 2019

“Jesus is the temple” is my Christmas meditation for us this year. It sounds weird I know but it is relevant I promise. We have recently been going through Luke’s gospel and looking at all...


Luke 2:21: The Circumcision of Christ

Speaker: | December 24, 2017

Introduction: This morning in preparation for Christmas I would like to impress upon us the dark side of Christmas.  There is no end to the frosted idyllic scenes of a cute cherubic baby Jesus with...


Luke 2:11: Jesus our Saviour

Speaker: | December 25, 2015

Outline Saviour from sin Introduction In Luke 2:11, Jesus is called ‘Saviour.’ Luke 2:10-12, ‘And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be...


Mary’s Faith: Luke 1:34-38

Speaker: | December 20, 2015

Outline Mary’s question Mary’s self-image Mary’s attitude Introduction Mariolatry is the heretical teaching of promoting Mary as a co-redemptrix and mediator, Mariology is the biblical teaching about Mary. This is our fourth message looking at...


Mary’s Son: Luke 1:32

Speaker: | December 13, 2015

Outline Great Son of the Most High Throne of David Introduction Popular notions of Jesus at Christmas time are far from the truth. There is a famous scene from Will Ferrell’s movie, Talladega Nights, (not...


Mary the Mother of Christ: Luke 1:26-38

Speaker: | December 06, 2015

Outline Mary’s miracle Mary’s grace Mary’s Son Introduction We have begun our look at the Incarnation by looking at Mary’s worship in response to these wonderful events. Mary herself though can be a help or...


Mary’s Worship: Luke 1:46-55

Speaker: | November 29, 2015

Outline God’s grace God’s power God’s faithfulness Introduction Christmas coming round only once a year is not enough. The greatest miracle that has ever happened, that God should become a man, that infinity should take...


Hebrews 2:14-15: Why Jesus was born

Speaker: | December 25, 2014

Introduction: People love Christmas for different reasons. For many it is all about having that long holiday and going to far off places. For others it is all about family traditions and getting together after...