Seven Deadly Sins – Lust
We come now to our final look at the seven deadly sins from proverbs, and we have left lust for last. Traditionally lust was the obvious deadly sin and things like greed and envy and...
Seven Deadly Sins – Anger
Our next deadly sin is the sin of anger or wrath. Evolutionary science tells us that our anger is something that was once beastly that has become something beautiful. That we had a fight of...
Seven Deadly Sins – Greed Part 2
Last week we began our look at the deadly sin of Greed. We spent most of our time looking at definitions for greed, the problems it creates and warnings against it. Greed we saw is...
Seven Deadly Sins – Greed Part 1
One of the audiobooks I listened to last year was the book Affluenza How overconsumption is killing us and how to fight back. Here is how one reviewer summarizes the problem being addressed in this...
Seven Deadly Sins – Drunkenness
1 in every 5 NZ adults has a hazardous drinking pattern. ‘Note: ‘Hazardous drinking’ refers to an established alcohol drinking pattern that carries a risk of harming the drinker’s physical or mental health or having...
Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony
The deadly sin we want to consider today is the sin of gluttony. This comes from the Latin word which means to swallow or gulp down. The idea of there being 7 deadly sins is...
Envy- Part 2- Proverbs 24:19-20
The bible often surprises us when it addresses our sin. We often dress it down, underestimate it, and make out that it is a failing of the weak. The Bible exposes each one of us...
Envy- Part 1 – Proverbs 23:17-24:2
What is envy? Envy is a sin of the heart. It is strongly associated with the sin of coveting and the tenth commandment, that is illicit longing; as well as jealousy, longing to have what...