Romans 12:7: The Gift of Teaching
- The office of teacher
- The responsibility of teaching
Today whenever there is a contest between truth and action, or truth and emotion, it is always truth that suffers. For this reason we have been seeing churches cast off confessions and uniting with others of contrary beliefs in order to DO charitable activities together. Or when it comes to standing up to things like homosexual marriage many fall before the argument that ‘they love each other.’ God has made provision that this is not the case in His church, He has appointed the gift of teaching to keep the purity of the churches beliefs in order that her practices are holy and honouring to Him. In order that the church might be healthy and grow. That the church might be united in the truth and a witness. Today as we look at the spiritual gifts we continue to look at Romans 12:7 at this vital gift of teaching, ‘if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching.’ Today this gift is much despised, there is an emphasis on prophetic leadership, or transporting worship leading, but it is seen as a spiritually inferior thing to have the gift of teaching. We want to look at two aspects of it, how teaching relates to office, and the universal responsibility to teach.
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