Revelation 20:7-15: The end of all things


  • Satan’s judgement
  • Final judgement


God’s vindication is a very important theme in Scripture, that God seeks to show His power, holiness and justice and all His perfections, and to demonstrate it in fulfilling His promises of judgement upon sin. We can think of that statement by Paul that in salvation God seeks to be just and the justifier. In other words, God cannot overlook sin and forgive it, He cannot credit us as righteous unless He first actually deals with our sins, and this He did in our substitute. Justice is served and the sinner saved, in this way God presents His glory to all of creation. We come now to that time in the book of Revelation and the whole bible where every enemy, every sin, anything that has resisted God’s reign will be dealt with. We come to the time when God’s patience for so long will be fully appreciated when the true nature of all things is revealed and God finally acts to make all things new. The end of all things is a court of law. It is not merely a renovation and wiping away of the past it is a day of reckoning where every evil deed will be brought to light and given its due. Every demonic act of defiance answered, every act of Satan to destroy undone, every sin against the law of God punished, every tear caused by the acts of men avenged, every cry for justice answered, every innocent saint persecuted and killed will be vindicated. The end of all things as recorded in Rev. 20:7-15 begins with then judgement of Satan and ends with the judgement of all people.
