Revelation 14:6-13: Messages from Heaven
- The first angel
- The second angel
- The third angel
If God spoke three messages from heaven, what would they be? I believe that the portion we have before us gives us a possible answer to that question. This section deals with God sending three messenger angels to deliver three particular messages during the period where the dragon and his beasts are at war with the church. In other words, these three words from heaven are what God is saying to the earth during this age before Christ comes again. This section consists of three messages for the world, but also a call and benediction for the church, v12-13. Revelation has portrayed the nature of the battle we are in, with the devil and his cohorts waging war against us. We have been encouraged with the safety and victory of the saints who have been killed v1-5, now the vision returns to those on the earth with three messages of judgement and warning. God does not look lightly upon those who follow the devil in whatever lie he has enthralled them with, and He will punish and judge those who participate in His lie against God’s people. Before that judgement comes God gives three messages.
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