Revelation 11:7-19: The End of the Ages
- The final war
- The final vindication
- The final judgement
Pessimism or optimism, what view do you have of the church at the end? There are those who think that the church will Christianise the world; that Christ’s return will be at the end of a golden era of Christendom. The verses that we have before us tell us a very different story. You will remember that chapter 11 is all about the church, represented as the measured but trodden temple, as well as the persecuted but preserved prophets. We have shown that the church throughout the church age will be like Christ was in His earthly ministry. As goes the Head so goes the body, as goes the King so goes the kingdom. Christ’s earthly ministry was characterised by resistance, persecution, humility and conquering through sacrifice, likewise our ministry on earth will be characterised by resistance, persecution, humility and conquering through sacrifice, as the Father sent Christ so have we been sent. Faithful witness in a hostile world is our lot. And just as Christ’s whole ministry was resisted and then culminated in an intensified resistance and murder, we see the church goes the same way.
The verses that we have before us are a symbolic representation of the end of the ages, the last few events on God’s calendar before Christ returns. You will notice that there is a final battle where the church is apparently overcome putting to bed any notions of a golden age preceding Christ’s return. However, as with Christ we see that His church is resurrected and vindicated, and then all those enemies that appeared so strong and appeared to overcome the church will be finally judged.
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