Luke 22:31-38: Preparing the Disciples: Part Two


Christ warns us of satanic testing
Christ prepares us for new ministry conditions
Christ interprets for us His coming death


If you have ever gone away and had to leave your kids on their own, you will know the type of preparations you made for them. You will have done a final clean of the house; you will have left a list of instructions, and contact details on the fridge; you will have pre-cooked and frozen some meals just in case; you will have stocked the cupboards; you will have got some friends to pop in on them to make sure everything is ok. What preparations does Christ make for His departure as He prepares His disciples not only for His departure, but a new era? We have noted the many things that Christ does in preparing His disciples. He washes their feet; institutes the Lord’s Supper; gives final instructions; gives promises and hope; gives warnings; prays for them. All of this takes place in the upper room. We are looking at Luke’s upper room preparations and we noted that Jesus focuses on several things they need to prepare for before He departs. He warned of a disciple’s apostasy; he outlined a disciple’s paradigm for ministry—servanthood; He spoke of coming rewards for faithful ministry. We pick up on the second part of Christ’s preparations in v31-38.

There are three more things Jesus has to prepare His disciples for. Firstly, Christ warns us of satanic testing; secondly, Jesus prepares us for new ministry conditions; thirdly Christ interprets for us His coming death. We will be looking at verses 31-34 under three headings, the testing of satan; the ministry of our Savior; the self-confidence of Peter.
