Luke 19:28-44: The King Enters Jerusalem
The prophet King
The humble King
The weeping King
The coronation of royalty has always been a loud and expensive affair. When Napoleon decided to crown himself emperor he got a crown called ‘the crown of Charlemagne’ made; a mantle that weighed eighty pounds and had to be carried by four helpers; he held a scepter that belonged to Charles V and a sword belonging to Philip III. The Pope was dragged into crowning Napoleon giving the impression of the approval of the Roman Catholic Church in an elaborate ceremony in Notre Dame. A hot air balloon with 3000 lights in the shape of the imperial crown was released during the ceremony. The whole affair cost 8.5 million francs. Compare that with the King of Israel coming to His capital Jerusalem in what has traditionally been called, the triumphal entry, Luke 19:28-44. The account of the triumphal entry is found in all four gospels. Jesus wears no crown or royal robes. Jesus has to borrow a colt to ride on. He was wearing all He owned and it would soon be taken from Him and gambled for. All the kings of the earth have delegated authority and power, but here is the one time when the true King walked among us and was received as King. There are two clear perspectives in the event before us, the perspective of the people and the perspective of the King. There was the perception of the people and the King they wanted; and there was the perception of the King and who He really was.
Luke portrays for us all the various attitudes, we see the false expectations of the disciples; the rejection of the Pharisees, and the harsh realities of Jesus perspective. As we look at Jesus beginning His passion week and entering Jerusalem we will look at it under three headings. The prophet King; the humble King; the weeping King.
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