Ephesians 6:18-20: The Armour of God: Part six
We come to the last message on spiritual warfare. We have spoken about the strength that God gives us by His Spirit; and we have looked at the pieces of the armour as the equipment every Christian is equipped with for the fight. But our last message was on one of the most important aspects of our warfare and that is prayer. Prayer is indeed the greatest need of every believer and the greatest need of the church. Prayer is the God given means by which we appropriate all of God’s strength for the fight. Paul spends more time talking about prayer than any of the other pieces of the armour and so I have as well. Today as we end this series we will look at Ephesians 6:18-20 and the call to intercessory prayer, forgive me as I skip persevering prayer, this will be my next sermon next Sunday morning, ‘praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.’
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