Topic: Ruth–God Gives a Harvest of Sovereign Loving-kindness to His Emptied Servants
Instructor: Joe Fleener
Hosted by: Rolleston Baptist, Rolleston.
A textual study and survey of Ruth. We will aim to look carefully at the key textual themes in this much loved book as well as to understand its purpose and place in the overall storyline of redemption. In the end we will discuss matters of Biblical Theology & Systematic Theology flowing from a careful handling of exegetical theology.
The Roving Classroom is a yearly program involving four block-study sessions that are taught by various pastors within the fellowship (and on some occasions, by invited guest speakers).The classroom is hosted at varied (and roving) geographical locations around New Zealand, as each church offers to host a weekend. Each year the calendar will be ordered around the four traditional theological categories (Exegetical; Systematic; Historical; Practical Theology). Topics within these broader categories are both diverse and relevant, allowing for a truly holistic ministerial training.