Topic: Baptist History Part 2
Instructor: Rob Harrod
Hosted by: Grace Baptist Church, Christchurch.
The second of two sessions exploring Baptist History. Having looked at the defining marks of a church from Scripture, we are continuing to trace out how these have been pursued in the life of Baptist churches down through the centuries. In the course of this we will identify what have been some of the historic distinctives of faithful Baptist churches. In this session we will take up modern Baptist history after its beginnings in 17th century England and trace it down to the present day. Along the way we will note many of the challenges and issues faced by these churches as they developed from an English ‘sect’ into a ‘global movement’. This course will acquaint us with many faithful churches and believers who grappled with the meaning of Scripture, stood for biblical truth, planted churches, endured great hardship and opposition, and sought to co-labour with Christ in the extension of His kingdom in the world.