Join us at Raincliff for a long weekend Friday 16th – Monday 19th February (the third night of camp costs nothing extra, so consider taking the Monday off work).
We will be welcoming Jason Winslade to the speakers’ stand, on the topic of “Faithful Foundations: Embracing Personal Devotionals, Family Worship, Church Ministry, and Evangelism”. Speaking points will be:
- “Cultivating our Relationship with God through Regular Quiet Times”
- “Exalting God Through the Practice of Family Worship”
- “Serving God with our Spiritual Gifts”
- “Faithfully Responding To Christ’s Call Through Intentional Evangelism”
We’ll have our usual array of fabulous free time, food, fellowship. It’s a family-friendly camp. Be sure to sign up now!
- Camp Costs $100 per adult, $50 per school child, free for pre-schoolers.
- The Timaru church services will be relocated to Raincliff (no charge but please bring food to share).
- Registrations close Sunday 11th February.
- The camp location is here: 1814 Spur Road, Middle Valley 7982
- Contact Liz (027 2911 779) or Lynn (021 366 202) for any questions.
Register yourself right here: